I Don’t Want To Force My Kids To Go To Church: Part Three

I Don’t Want To Force My Kids To Go To Church: Part Three

Have you ever followed a bad recipe?   Maybe it was a recipe for cookies you found that sounded good, but when you made them, they were gross.   Read more…


I Don’t Want To Force My Children To Go To Church: Part Two

I Don’t Want To Force My Children To Go To Church: Part Two

 The kids are slow getting ready for church, whining about how they don’t want to go, so mom or dad yells, “I said, ‘Get ready!’  We’re going to church!’”  Or maybe the whining sounds like this: “Why do we have to go?”  And the response is: “Because I said so!  Now get ready!”  There’s not a lot of joy in those exchanges, is there?   The tone and content of those conversations make it sound like we go to church only because we HAVE TO.  Parents, we can do better than that. Read more…