WHEREAS, the Apostle Paul sets forth in 1 Corinthians 14:40, that all things in the church should be done “in a fitting and orderly way”, and
WHEREAS, the history of the Christian Church of all times shows that certain agreements and regulations are helpful to fulfill the purpose and attain the objectives of congregations; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we, a congregation of Lutheran Christians at Lansing, Michigan, do herewith, in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and by subscribing our names hereto, adopt the following CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS.



Name of the Congregation

The name of this congregation shall be:


Articles of Faith

Section  1.
This congregation accepts and confesses all the canonical books of the Old and New  Testaments as the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God and submits to this Word as  the only infallible authority of all matters of faith and life (2 Timothy 3:15-17).
Section 2.
This congregation accepts and confesses all the symbolical books of the Evangelical  Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as true statements of  scriptural doctrine.
They are:

A. The three Ecumenical Creeds
1) The Apostles’
2) The Nicene
3) The Athanasian

B. The six Lutheran Confessions
1) Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism
2) Dr. Martin Luther’s Large Catechism
3) The Unaltered Augsburg Confession
4) The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
5) The Smalcald Articles
6) The Formula of Concord

Section 3.
This congregation accepts and confesses these symbolical books without reservation, not  insofar as, but because they are the presentation and explanation of the pure doctrine of  the Word of God and a summary of the faith held by the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Section 4.
No doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at  variance with the Holy Scriptures and these symbolical books.
Section 5.
All controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjusted  according to this norm of doctrine and practice.

Purpose and Objective

Section 1.
The continuing purpose of this congregation, as a gathering of Christians, is to serve  people in God’s world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of the Holy Scriptures
(Matthew 28: 18-20; Mark 16:15).

Section 2.
The primary objective of this congregation shall be to proclaim the Law and the Gospel in  our congregation, community, and the world (2 Timothy 4:2), so that through the means  of grace the Holy Spirit might:
A. Lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for life and salvation (Luke 24:46-48).
B. Strengthen believers in faith and sanctification (Romans 10:17).
C. Equip believers as disciples, stewards, witnesses, and servants to share the gospel and  live their faith (Ephesians 4:11,12; Matthew 5:16).

Church Affiliation

This congregation shall affiliate itself only with a church body that holds to all the truths of  God’s Word in doctrine and practice and is bound to the confession of faith as set forth in  Article II, if, and as long as, such a church body exists.

Church Membership

Section 1. Classification
A. Baptized members of the congregation are those who have been baptized into the Christian faith in the name of the Triune God (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:16).
B. Communicant members are those baptized souls who have stated their adherence to all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament, without qualification, as the only rule an norm of faith and life, and have declared their agreement with the chief parts of Christian  doctrine as written in Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.
C. Voting members are those male communicant members (1 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Corinthians 14:34; 1 Timothy 2:12) who have declared their agreement with this  constitution by their signatures and who have been received by the voters’ assembly of the congregation.

Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities
“God is Love” (1 John 4:8), and his love ever moves him to bless the members of his church with physical and spiritual gifts (1 John 3:1; James 1:17). In  return  for all of  these  undeserved blessings, we love him (1 John 4:19) and show that love with the works that we do. The exercise of such love we acknowledge as both a privilege and a responsibility. Some of the privileges and responsibilities to be noted are the following:
A. Our God has given us his Word, the one thing needful (Luke 10:42), which alone can save our souls and tell us how to live a God-pleasing life (2 Timothy 3:15-17).  Consequently, members of his church will consider it a distinct privilege and a  responsibility to:
1) Hear and receive the Word of God diligently (Luke 11:28)
2) Provide and promote opportunities for Christian education (2 Peter 3:18)
3) Bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
4) Share the gospel with all people (Acts 1:8).

B. Our God has given us two sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, which are means that our Lord uses to bring his grace to us. Consequently, members of his church will:
1) Have their children baptized early in life, for “baptism now saves you also”  (1 Peter 3:21).
2) Frequently partake of Holy Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), if they are recognized as such who can properly examine themselves (1 Corinthians 11:28).  Only those in our confessional fellowship of faith are permitted to commune at our  altar.(Close Communion – 1 Corinthians 1:10; 2 Corinthians 6:14-15; Romans 16:17)
C. Our God has given us the privilege and responsibility of being managers over a certain portion of his estate and assures us he will graciously bless our faithful management
(2 Corinthians 9:6). Therefore members of his church will under grace:
1) Continually remember that all their possessions, time, and abilities are really a trust  from God.
2) Cheerfully decide in their hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7) the portion of their possessions and time and abilities which they will regularly devote to the Lord for use in carrying out that which the congregation has made its concern, not omitting the work of the  church-at-large (Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 9:14, 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; 1 Peter 4:10).
3)  If eligible, become voting members and regularly attend the Voters’ meetings and lend the congregation their counsel and aid.
D. Our God has implanted within us Christians the new man, who desires to live righteously  (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 4:24). Consequently, members of his church will:
1) Not live in obvious acts of the sinful nature (Galatians 5:19-21), but lead a Christian life (Galatians 5:22-25).
2) When they have erred, permit themselves to be admonished and corrected by their fellow Christians in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-18.
3) Refuse to hold membership in any organization whose teachings and practices conflict with the Word of God (e.g. lodges) (John 5:23, 8:31-32; 2 Cor. 6:14-18).
Section 3. Church Discipline and Excommunication
Christian discipline shall be exercised in this congregation in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-18 toward those who err from faith or who in other ways have given offense. At all times  this shall be done in the spirit of the gospel, namely, to regain the erring as brothers. Those  members who become evident as impenitent sinners and finally must be excommunicated,  and those who have excluded themselves from the congregation by evading Matthew  18:15-18 lose all their rights and privileges in the congregation and its property. A unanimous vote of the voters’ assembly is required for excommunication.
Section 4. Reinstatement
When an excommunicated member by the grace of God, repents of his sin, he is to be  reinstated with all former rights and privileges of this congregation (2 Corinthians 2:6-8).

Powers and Rights of the Congregation

Section 1.
In all matters of Christian faith and life the Word of God is supreme (Psalm 119:105).
Section 2.
In all matters not decided by the Word of God the congregation, represented by the voters’  assembly, shall have the right of decision (Romans 12:10, 14:19; Ephesians 5:21).
Section 3.
The church council, any other elected committee or organization within the congregation,  and any of its elected or appointed officers shall have no power or authority beyond that  conferred upon them by the congregation. However the church council in an emergency  may act in the name and for the welfare of the congregation. Such action must be  submitted for approval at the next voters’ meeting.
Section 4.
No group or society may be organized within the congregation without the approval of the  congregation. The congregation shall be assured that the aims of such a group are in  complete harmony with the congregation’s before it grants its approval (1 Corinthians  1:10, 12:25).

The Public Ministry

Section 1.
The congregation has the exclusive right to call pastors, teachers, and staff ministers.

Section 2.
The office of pastor in this congregation shall be conferred only upon such men who are  qualified for this ministry and publicly and without reservation profess their acceptance  of and adherence to Article II of this Constitution, and such acceptance and adherence  shall be required of them in the call extended by the congregation (Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1;6-9).

Section 3.
The offices of teacher and staff minister in this congregation shall be conferred only upon  such individuals who are qualified for these ministries and are in accord with the confessional standard of the congregation as set forth in Article II of this Constitution  (Ephesians 4:11-16;
Romans 12:6-8).

Section 4.
In case of a vacancy in the office of pastor, teacher, or staff minister the congregation shall  notify the president of the district that he may assist in temporarily filling the vacancy and  in giving his good counsel in regard to the calling of a new pastor, teacher, or staff  minister.

Officers of the Congregation

Section 1.
The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men “full of the Spirit and  wisdom” (Acts 6:1-6) to aid the apostles in the administration of its affairs. This   congregation shall choose officers and committee members with like qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Section 2.
The listing of the officers and their duties is given in the Bylaws.

Section 3.
The respect and esteem of the congregation are due these officers in the performance  of their duties, and they shall be given its cooperation. They shall conduct themselves in a  manner befitting their responsible office (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Removal from Office

Section 1.
If anyone who holds an office in the congregation willfully neglects his duty and upon due  admonition does not amend, the congregation has the right and eventually the duty to  remove him from office and to elect another in his place (1 Timothy 3:8-13).
Section 2.
Sufficient and urgent cause for removing a pastor, a teacher, or a staff minister are  persistent adherence to a false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect of duty or established inability to perform the duties of his office (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9). In  such a case the advice and good counsel of the appropriate district officer shall be sought.

Meetings of the Congregation

Meetings of this congregation shall be held at such times and in such manner as stated in  the Bylaws. The meetings shall give the voters of this congregation the opportunity to  hear, discuss and take necessary action in matters pertaining to the welfare of this  congregation and the church-at-large.

Separation or Dissolution

Section 1.
If at any time a separation should occur in this congregation, the property and all   equipment of this congregation shall remain with that portion of the membership which  adheres to this Constitution, regardless of number.

Section 2.
In the event of termination or dissolution of the congregation, the church council shall,  after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the congregation,  dispose of its remaining assets, if any, exclusively for the purposes of the congregation, by  distributing , at the direction of the voters’ assembly, the remaining assets to (and only to)  one or more organizations with which the congregation is in fellowship, which shall at the  time qualify as exempt organization(s) (under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue  Code of 1994 or the corresponding provision of any future United States  Internal  Revenue Code).

Repeals and Alterations

Section 1.
Articles II, III, IV, V, VI, Sections 1 and 2, VII, Sections 1-3, VIII, Sections 1 and 3, IX  and XII, Section 1 of this Constitution shall be and remain unalterable and irrepealable,  inasmuch as they express clear, scriptural teachings.

Section 2.

Proposals to alter or repeal any alterable or repealable article of this Constitution or to add an article shall be submitted in writing to the church council, and shall be publicly announced on two Sundays immediately preceding a regular business meeting of the voters’ assembly and posted in the church during that period.
Section 3.
Such a proposal shall be discussed in the meeting in which it is presented and voted on in  the next regular meeting of the voters’ assembly.

Section 4.
A two-thirds vote of the voting members present shall be required to alter or repeal any  alterable or repealable article of this Constitution or to add an article hereto.

Section 5.
Any and all Bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members  present at any regular meeting, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall  have been given the congregation on at least two Sundays prior to the time of the meeting,  and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the church  council for its study and recommendation.

This Constitution, prior to the revisions listed below, was adopted by the Voters’ Assembly of  the Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical  Lutheran Church  July 26, 1992





Art.II,III,V Sec.1,VII – Revised per synod handbook   06/24/01


Art.V Sec.2&3 – “in the spirit of” was “according to”   06/24/01


Art.V Sec.2B1,VI Sec 2 – Corrected Bible references   06/24/01


Art. X added, was Art.VI,C  in previous issue   06/24/01


Art.XI Sec.2 – IRS Code year updated   06/24/01


Art.XII Sec 1 – Revised per new section division format06/24/01



Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church

7740 W. St. Joseph Highway
Lansing, MI  48917

Meetings of the Congregation


Section 1 – Regular Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly
Regular meetings of the Voters’ Assembly shall be held quarterly, usually on the last Sunday in June, October, January and April.  Election of officers shall be done at the regular April meeting. The regular June meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting.

Section 2 – Attendance and Voting
Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly may be attended only by members of the Congregation and guests invited for the purpose of presenting information vital to the Voters’ Assembly.  Only voting members present in person at the meeting shall have the right to vote or debate issues.  Voting members shall be restricted to male communicant members who have reached the age of 18.  (1 Cor 14:34-35 & 1 Timothy 2:12-14).  All voting members shall sign the Constitution and Bylaws, indicating their acceptance of them.

Section 3 – Quorum
The voting members present at a properly announced meeting of the Voters’ Assembly shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4 – Order of Business
The order of business for the regular meetings may be as follows:

A.    Opening devotion
B.    Attendance
C.    Presentation and approval of agenda
D.    Reading and approval of minutes of previous regular and special meetings
E.    Reception of new members; transfer, release or removal from membership
F.    Elections (April Meeting)
G.    Reports of officers and boards
H.    Unfinished business
I.    New business
J.    Date and time of next meeting
K.    Adjournment with prayer

Section 5 – Special Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly
Special Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly may be called by the Church Council, a Pastor of the Congregation, or upon the written request of at least three Voting Members of the Congregation.
Section 6 – Procedure
All meetings of the Voters’ Assembly shall be conducted according to good Christian order.  Robert’s Rules of Order may be followed for parliamentary procedure.
Section 7 – Notification
All meetings of the Voters’ Assembly shall be announced to the Congregation verbally and in writing at all regular worship services held during the two weeks prior to the meeting. The purpose and agenda of each meeting shall be clearly stated.
Section 8
No one shall bring to any meeting a charge or complaint against any member, or against the Pastor or against a teacher, unless he has first admonished him in a Christian manner in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20.

Officers – Terms & Requirements

Section 1 – Officers
All voting members holding an elected position are officers.

Section 2 – Terms
Officers will assume their office on July 1 of the year in which they are elected.  All elected positions shall be of a three year term, with a maximum service of two consecutive terms.  Officers serving two consecutive terms shall become eligible for re-election to the same office one year after the expiration of their final term of office.  No voting member shall hold more than one elective office at any one time.
In the first year of the electoral rotation, the Voters’ Assembly shall elect the President and Vice-president, Financial Secretary, Outreach Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
In the second year of the electoral rotation, the Voters’ Assembly shall elect the Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Spiritual Growth Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
In the third year of the electoral rotation, the Voters’ Assembly shall elect the Stewardship Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Property and Maintenance Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
The Board of Elders shall consist of a minimum of four elected Elders. The total number of Elders shall be determined each year by the Board of Elders based on its ministry plan. Each year, approximately 1/3 of the Elders shall be elected to the Board of Elders.
Section 3 – Requirements
To be nominated for an elective office, other than Elder, a member must have been accepted as a voting member at a previous meeting of the Voters’ Assembly.

A candidate for the office of Elder must have been a voting member of the Congregation for at least one year prior to being nominated. Each year the Elders will elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from the Elders who make up the Board of Elders. The selection of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman must be completed prior to the July meeting of the Church Council.  The Board of Elders Chairman will serve as a voting member on the Church Council.

Section 4 – Installation of Officers
Newly-elected officers shall be installed during the worship services the weekend after the (June) annual meeting.

Election of the Church Officers

Section 1
The Church Council shall present to the January meeting of the Voters’ Assembly for ratification a committee of three voting members to serve as a Nominating Committee.  The Pastor is an ex officio member of this committee.  The members of this committee will be published and a request for nominations be made to the Congregation.

Section 2
Having received from the Recording Secretary a list of expired or vacated terms of office, the Nominating Committee shall proceed to select, from the voting membership, a slate of candidates at least twice the number of vacancies, if possible.  Each candidate shall receive a letter, outlining the responsibilities of the office for which he is being nominated.  His consent for such candidacy is required.

Section 3
The Nominating Committee shall present the slate of candidates at a Church Council meeting prior to the April meeting of the Voters’ Assembly.  Additional recommendations for nominations may be made in writing to the Nominating Committee.  The committee shall consider such written nominations and take appropriate action, posting any revisions.  The candidates’ names must be published at all regular worship services held during the two weeks prior to the Voters’ Meeting.

At its April meeting, the Voters’ Assembly shall hear the recommendations of the Nominating Committee.  Should further nominations be required, they may be made until three weeks prior to the (June) annual meeting.  Nominations shall not be open to the floor at the election meeting.  A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election.

Description and Duties of Officers and Boards

Section 1 – President
The President shall preside as Chairman of all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and Church Council, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Voters’ Assembly or Church Council.  He shall have general supervision of the affairs of the corporation and conduct all its business affairs according to established good order.  He shall sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases and/or all legal documents directed to be executed by the corporation and administered by the Church Council.  The President is an ex officio member of all boards and committees.

Section 2- Vice-President
The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and/or the Church Council in the absence of the President. He shall function in the capacity of the President if for any reason the President cannot. The Vice-President shall serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Budget Committee and the Audit Committee.
Section 3 – Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall record accurately the proceedings of all meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and the Church Council.  He shall be responsible for the legal records of the Congregation.  He shall have the authority to countersign all deeds, notes, leases and/or legal documents executed by the corporation, and assist in the orderly conduct of its business affairs according to established good order.  He shall ensure voting members have signed the Constitution and Bylaws.  He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Congregation.

Section 4 – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive from the Financial Secretary a report of all monies and credit the same to the proper accounts.  He shall make all disbursements, consulting with the Church Council as necessary.  He shall make monthly and quarterly financial reports and also special reports whenever the Church Council shall so request.  He shall submit his records to the Church Council for audit annually, following the close of the fiscal year, or at any time the Congregation so desires.  In the absence of the Recording Secretary, he shall have the authority to countersign legal documents.  In the event the Treasurer is unable to carry out his duties, the President or Recording Secretary has the authority to carry out his obligations.

Section 5 – Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall receive and deposit all contributions for the Congregation, shall keep an accurate account of the same and deliver a report of them to the Treasurer, indicating the proper accounts to be credited.  He shall make a report for the regular meetings of the Voters’ Assembly and submit his books to the Church Council for an annual audit following the close of the fiscal year, or at any time the Congregation so desires.  He shall submit a quarterly report to each member of their contributions.
Section 6 – Boards
A Board consists of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.  They will enlist others as needed to work under their authority.
A.   The Board of Elders – The Board of Elders shall, in general, be responsible for the spiritual well-being of the Congregation.  These responsibilities include the following:  doctrine and practice in the church shall conform to all the provisions of the Constitution; regular worship services shall be conducted in good order; assistance shall be given to the Pastor in administering the spiritual affairs of the Congregation; annual review of the salary and benefits of the Congregation’s called workers to assure appropriate quality of life for them and their families.
B.    Property and Maintenance Board – The Property and Maintenance Board shall supervise the repair and upkeep of the Congregation’s property.  It shall report annually all needs to the Church Council and carry out such work as is assigned to it by the Voters’ Assembly and Church Council.
C.    The Spiritual Growth Board – The Spiritual Growth Board shall formulate all policies to be followed in the educational phases of the Congregation’s work, e.g. Lutheran Elementary School, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School and Bible Studies; subject to approval of the Church Council.  The Spiritual Growth Board shall meet monthly to discuss all matters related to the Lutheran Elementary School and all WELS/ELS education agencies which the Congregation may maintain or have affiliation with.  It shall advance in every way the cause of Christian education.
D.    Outreach Board – The Outreach Board shall aid the Congregation in establishing and maintaining an active program of outreach to the neighborhood and community.  It shall also, together with the Pastor, encourage and prepare the members of the Congregation for outreach.
E.    Stewardship Board – The Stewardship Board shall aid the Congregation in maintaining God-pleasing and faithful management of our time, talents, and treasures.

Section 7 – Committees
There shall be three types of committees, defined as follows:
A. Standing Committees – permanent committees specified by these Bylaws. They shall report to the Church Council. All members of these committees shall be voting members.
a. Nominating Committee: This permanent committee is described in Article III, Section 1.
b. Auditing Committee: This permanent committee shall be appointed by the President of the Congregation in June of each year. It shall consist of at least three voting members charged to review the financial records of the Congregation. The Financial Secretary and Treasurer may not be part of this committee.  The committee may enlist others with the approval of the Church Council.
c. Budget Committee: This committee shall consist of the Vice President, Treasurer and Financial Secretary.  They will start to meet annually in February to begin planning.  They must obtain input from the boards to create the budget for the next fiscal year.
B. Congregational Committees and Organizations – committees or organizations made up of any adult members of the Congregation. If adult male members are on the committee, then the Chair of the committee must be appointed from amongst them.  The Chair of these committees shall be appointed by the Congregation’s President or the Vice President in his absence

C.Board Committees and Organizations – committees or organizations appointed by a Board to accomplish specific tasks as defined by the Board. It will be made up of members of the Congregation. If adult male members are on the committee, then the Chair of the committee must be appointed from amongst them. A Board Committee may be responsible to the entire Board or to a specific member of the Board.

Other committees shall be appointed by the President as they are needed to conduct the business of the church. The Church Council must approve all appointments made by the President.

Section 8 – Ex officio Committee Members
The Pastor(s) shall be an ex officio member of the Church Council, all Boards and all Committees. The President is an ex officio member of all Boards and Committees.

Section 9 – Mode of Procedure for Boards and Committees
Each Board and Committee shall develop its own objectives in the light of the Congregation’s objectives, Constitution, Article III.  Each Board and Committee shall also develop a detailed statement of its policies and procedures.  The first statement of objectives, policies and procedures shall be approved by the Church Council and Voters’ Assembly and reviewed annually thereafter by the Committee.  If the annual review results in changes in objectives, policies and procedures, these changes must be submitted to the Church Council and Voters’ Assembly for approval.  Each Board and Committee shall annually establish its own goals and report them to the Church Council and Voters’ Assembly; together with a report on the previous year’s activities.
Each Board shall meet a minimum of six times annually, more as needed.
Each Committee will meet as directed.
The members present at a properly announced meeting of a Board or Committee shall constitute a quorum.

The Church Council

Section 1 – Organization
The Church Council shall consist of the following ten men:  President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Chairman of the Board of Elders, Chairman of the Property and Maintenance Board, Chairman of the Outreach Board, Chairman of the Spiritual Growth Board, Chairman of the Stewardship Board.

Section 2 – Officer Vacancies
The President may appoint a person, subject to Church Council approval, to fill an officer vacancy until the next regular (June) election occurs, at which time the vacancy shall be filled by election as described in Article III of these bylaws, for the remainder of the original term.
Section 3 – Responsibilities
The church officers shall adorn their high office with an honest way of life and be good examples to the Congregation (1 Timothy 3:8-12).  They shall aid the Pastor in the spiritual affairs of the church.  They shall particularly care in love for the poor, the sick, the widows, and the orphans. (Galatians 6:9,10).  The members of the Church Council shall consult together concerning the total spiritual and physical well-being of the Congregation, giving due attention also to the work of the Lord in the church at large.  They shall implement resolutions of the Congregation and carry out such assignments as are directed to them by the Congregation.
The Church Council shall control the corporate property and manage the general business affairs of the Congregation according to the direction given by the Voters’ Assembly.
The Church Council shall have the authority to expend funds equal to 1% of the General Fund budget per fiscal year for items or services not identified in the annual budget, but determined necessary by the Church Council.  A report and approval of any such expenditure shall occur at the next meeting of Voter’s Assembly.
Section 4 – Meetings
The Church Council shall normally meet on the second Thursday of each month.  Special meetings may be called by the Pastor or the President.  The Church Council shall never convene to transact business without the knowledge of the Pastor.

Reception Into Membership

Section 1
Anyone wishing to be received into membership in this Congregation other than through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or the Rite of Confirmation, shall bring his/her request to the attention of the Pastor or the Church Council.  The council shall honor the request when accompanied by a letter of transfer from a sister Congregation, a recommendation from a sister Congregation, or a profession of faith; providing qualification for membership as specified in Article V of this Constitution has been met.  Such action of the council shall be submitted for ratification at a regular or special meeting of the Voter’s Assembly and notice of such receptions reported to the Congregation.

Section 2
Since reception into membership signifies acceptance of and submission to this Constitution and Bylaws, each member shall be given a copy of the same, prior to their reception, so that they may become familiar with its provisions.


Transfer or Release from Membership

Section 1
Those desiring a transfer, or release from membership, shall bring their request to the attention of the Pastor or the Church Council.  The Council’s recommendation shall be acted upon at the next meeting of the Voters’ Assembly.
Section 2
Transfer of membership shall apply only to those who desire membership in a Congregation with which we are in doctrinal agreement.  Release from membership shall apply when affiliation is sought with those denominations not in agreement with our Congregation in doctrine or practice.
Section 3
Members released or transferred relinquish all rights in this Congregation.

Repeals and Amendments of the Bylaws

Any and all Bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members present at any meeting of the Voters’ Assembly, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall have been given the Congregation verbally and in writing at all regular worship services held during the two weeks prior to the meeting and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted to the Church Council for its study and recommendation.
All revisions to the Bylaws must be approved by the Michigan District Constitution Committee prior to submission to the Congregation’s voters for their approval.
These By-Laws, as given above, were adopted by the Voters’ Assembly on January 31, 2010.