The Greatest Legacy Of All

The Greatest Legacy Of All

As I sat with the family planning the funeral for their 87 year old mother, her son tearfully shared that the last devotion he read in the devotional booklet his mother had given him stated that the greatest legacy a parent can leave their children is wisdom.  This woman, and her husband who died 10 years earlier, definitely understood that; but in the most profound sense.  They did not merely pass down helpful advice or practical know-how. They modeled and passed down to their kids and grandkids the wisdom that is God’s Word and how important God’s Word is.

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Pointing Out Christians Role Models

Pointing Out Christians Role Models

 My family and I worshiped at our WELS church in Jackson this past Sunday.  Before the service started an old man who happened to be acquainted with our family greeted my wife and sons with a broad smile and spoke to them.  After he asked my sons how old they were and what they were doing, he said, “Well boys, don’t ever forget that God is good, and no matter where you go he will be with you, and he will take care of you no matter what may come.”  That unsolicited encouragement came from a man who needs a cane to walk since a stroke disabled him probably at least 30 years ago.

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